See our upcoming and past conferences. Be sure to register for each conference by the specified deadline. Please contact Stephen Murphy for additional conference details.
October 13, 2021
CASIOPA is fortunate to have two speakers addressing the broader ideas of innovations in parks and protected areas conservation. They will give presentations, leaving time available for discussions and questions. This conference will be recorded; by registering and attending you agree to allow your participation to be part of this recording. It will be posted to the CASIOPA youtube site for later viewing.
October 14, 2019
The 2019 CASIOPA Conference was a blended one - in-person and remote participation to reduce travelling and costs for many participants.
Download the agenda and report that synthesizes the breakout discussions:
October 3, 2019
This conference will have dynamic, interactive sessions with professionals from the government, private, NGO, and academic sectors. Key Topics: Science-based selection of protected areas, successful partnerships in conservation planning, landscape-level strategizing for protected areas management.
November 12, 2018
The 2018 Conference on Our Parks, Our Health saw gains in attendance from the private and NGO sectors. CASIOPA had a record high in terms of the number of talks for a 2 day conference indicating the heightened interest in the topic, CASIOPA, and innovations in management science by academics and related personnel working as partners in Ontario’s parks and protected areas.
Headlined by Dr. Bob Zarr and Dr. Ariana Sutton-Grier, their international and high profiles meant we had a stellar start to the conference. The contributed sessions by everyone from early career park professionals to health sciences professionals made this the most diverse and innovative conference yet!
September 25-26, 2018
Traditional knowledge and growing scientific evidence recognizes the health benefits of nature. CASIOPA's "2018 Our Nature, Our Health: Connections Between Protected Areas and Human Health" is a conference that will introduce the connection between protected areas and human health, showcase current research, and examine policy developments. Professionals and students in both environmental and human health fields are invited to attend.
May 06-07, 2015
On Wednesday May 6 & Thursday May 7 2015, the first organized HPHP conference was held at the University of Waterloo Federation Hall Conference Centre. Healthy Parks, Healthy People” is a research agenda but most importantly it is action – an action that is going on around the world. Healthy Parks, Healthy People is eponymous – it is indeed about integrated approaches to better health of humans and their environmentally protected areas. 70 people over 2 days joined us in Waterloo Ontario for one of...