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2020 CASIOPA Webinar 1: Protected Areas and Restoration Ecology Strategies


Event On: March 19, 2020

Registration Deadline: March 19, 2020


2020 CASIOPA Webinar #1
Thursday March 19 09:30-10:00 EST


Join CASIOPA Chair Stephen Murphy (University of Waterloo). He will discuss Protected Areas and Restoration Ecology Strategies.


Steve will discuss how new innovations in landscape-scale and habitat scale restoration is changing the face of planning and managing ecological restoration in protected areas. The two main foci will be how representativeness is beginning to shift to complementarity across the world, in an effort to be congruent with the Aichi targets. As that shift occurs, even more attention is paid to how to rewild and restore protected areas and Steve will give an overview of the tools used as well as innovations in large-scale but efficient and effective monitoring of post-restoration progress.

In addition to being Chair of CASIOPA, Steve in the Editor in Chief of the peer reviewed journal, Restoration Ecology. Steve’s done research, talks, workshops, work, and teaching on protected areas and restoration ecology for over 30 years.

This webinar will be recorded in real-time and posted publicly; this makes it convenient for anyone’s schedule. Click the link below to register:


Despite the way our calendar displays; there is no true registration deadline; we simply recommend registering ahead of the start to smooth your viewing.

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