Saturday 22 May 1999
Land Use History, Landscape Change and the Role of Parks and Protected Areas
Southern Ontarios Natural Heritg Estate: Ecolological Perspectives and Information, Research and Science Needs
Human and Social Aspects of Protected Area Networks
Science, Information and Research: Ontario’s Park and Protected Areas in South Eastern Ontario
Responding to the Challenges
Municipal Interest in Parks and Protected Area Research
Public and Private Stewardship
Conservation Site Selection: Ecoregional Planning for Biodiversity
We Require a Southern Ontario Conservation Needs Template
Planning and Management Challenges, Research Needs and Actions in Southern Ontario: Crossing the Disciplinary an Scalar Gaps in Parks and Protected Areas
Natural Heritage Protection in Southern Parks in 1999
Commentary on Planning and Management Challenges, Research Needs and Actions in Southern Ontario
Parks and Protected Areas in Southern Ontario: Rapporteur’s Remarks on the Special Session of the 1999 Parks Research Forum of Ontario
Market Analysis of the Trent University Nature Areas for Interpretive Planning
Researching and Communicating the Value of Provincial Parks
Standards for Service Quality: Is there a place for them in the Parks Canada system?
Linking Societal Values with Biosphere Reserve Imperatives: Opportunities for Awareness
Planning for the Conservation of the Island Arc in the West Basin of Lake Erie
Grazing Impacts of White-tailed Deer or “Culling Bambi to save the forest”
Algonquin Park Wolves: Losing their ecological and population integrity
Georgian Bay Greater Ecosystem Bioregional Study – A greater park ecosystem approach to resource conservation
Reserve Netowrk Design in the Eastern Georgian Bay Region: Modelling the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake
Regional Approaches to Planning for Protected Areas and Conservation
Relinquishing Boundaries: Metaphors for conceptualizing institutional systems
Climate Change and National Parks in Ontario: A Screening Level Assessment
Developing a Methodology for Identifying Significant Woodlands
An Overview and Assessment of Prairie and Oak Woodland Vegetation at Bronte Creek Provincial Park
An ecological assessment of the long-term survival of ancient populations of eastern white cedars on cliff faces of the Niagara escarpment
Building on the ONE Monitoring Program: Integrating Monitoring Programs in Protected Areas on the Central Niagara Escarpment
Algonquin Ecosystem Headwater Study: Tyne Lake Watershed
Applying Criteria and Indicators to Assess Integrity of a Boreal National Park and Adjacent Forest Management Units
Ecosite Mapping of Pukaskwa National Park
The Quetico Foundation Summer Research Program
The Status of Natural Heritage Planning in Carolinian Canada
Priority Sites for Conservation Action in Ontario: Applying the Provincial Natural Heritage Database
Representation and Conservation of Rare Plants in Ontario’s Carolinian Zone Provincial and National Parks
Pesticide Accumulation in Point Pelee Amphibians
Distribution and Persistence of DDT at Point Pelee National Park
Assessing the Environmental Quality of Marina and Small Craft Harbours in Ontario
Prescribed Fire in an Eastern White Pine stand in Pukaskwa National Park
Relative Importance of Patch Size and Landscape Forest Cover of Forest Birds
Tree Species Distributions in North-Central Ontario: Recent Observations in Pukaskwa National Park
Tallgrass Ontario
Trail System Planning, with Specific Reference to Provincial Parks in Ontario
Impacts of Experimental Hiking and Mountain Biking in Deciduous Forest
Monitoring Cumulative Effects of Landscape Change on the Frontenac Axis: A Preliminary Investigation
Issues, Options and Concerns at Komoka Provincial Park: Public Participation in the Environmental Assessment Process
The Morris Tract Provincial Nature Reserve: A New Gem For Ontario’s Provincial Parks System
An Analysis of the Scientific Research Undertaken in Ontario Provincial Park
An Assessment of Research in Ontario Provincial Parks from 1936-1998
Ontario Parks Legacy 2000: Program, Planning and Science Dimensions
Evaluating the Success of Deciduous Forest Restoration in Southwestern Ontario, Canada
The Landscape Genetics of Canis species in Ontario: Unraveling Ontario’s Canis-soup
Pukaskwa National Park and the 1998 White River Forest Plan Review: A New Definition for Transboundary Ecosystem Management
Restoration Ecology of Cirsium Pitcheri Along Lake Huron Sand Dunes
Restoration of Red Cedar Savanna Plant Communities in Point Pelee National Park
Assessing Ecosystem Conservation Plans (ECPs) for Some Canadian National Parks
The Distribution of Aquatic Macrophytes in the Old Qusable River Channel
Recent Establishment of an Isolated Population of Ixodes Scapularis, the Vector of Lyme Borreliosis, at Point Pelee National Park, Ontario
The Wainfleet Bog is in your backyard: understanding the total influencing physical and cultural factors to ensure successful and appropriate site rehabilitation and protection
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