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Monday 06 June 2005

Parks and Protected Areas: A Very Important Piece of Ontario’s Species at Risk Recovery Plan

The Future of Species of Ecosystems at Risk in Carolinian Canada: Are We on the Right Track?

On the Horns of a Dilemma: Management of ‘at risk’ Species in Protected Areas in the Age of Ecological Integrity

Challenges to Protecting Species at Risk in Provincial Parks and Protected Areas in Ontario

Parks Canada and Species at Risk Initiatives at Bruce Peninsula and Georgian Bay Islands National Parks

Applying the Great Lakes Conservation Blueprint for the Strategic Protection of Biodiversity at Multiple Scales

and Budgets in Ontario Provincial Parks: 1982 to 2004

Participatory Approaches in Protected Area Assessment and Reporting

Ontario Forest Biomonitoring Network: Twenty Years of Monitoring the Health of Ontario’s Hardwood Forest

Volunteer Monitoring of Forest Restoration

Frontenac Provincial Park: Interior Camping Impact Study

Small White Lady’s-slipper: Impacts of Fen Succession

Protected Areas and the Conservation of Ontario’s Reptile Species at Risk: Safe Havens or False Hopes?

Why Did the Reptile Cross the Road? Landscape Factors Associated with Road Mortality of Snakes and Turtles in the South Eastern Georgian Bay area

Species at Risk and Park Development: The Eastern Foxsnake (Elaphe gloydi) and the Killbear Provincial Park Visitor Centre

A Preliminary Assessment of the Fowler’s Toad (Bufo fowleri) Population in Rondeau Provincial Park

Focusing Conservation Efforts for Freshwater Biodiversity

How Well Do Parks Protect Fish Species At Risk In Ontario

River Redhorse (Moxostoma carinatum) and Channel Darter (Percina copelandi) Populations along the Trent-Severn Waterway

An Enumeration of Protected Areas in Ontario: Remarks about its Contribution to Ecologically-Based Planning and Management

Protected Area Mosaics and Cooperative Ecosystem-Based Land-Use and Conservation Planning: Four Case Studies in the U.S. West

Large-Scale Restoration of the Rice Lake Plains: A Landscape Conservation Approach

Park and Species Protection at the Wainfleet Bog Conservation Area: Adaptive Ecosystem Management Approach to Wetland Rehabilitation

Coniferous Plantation Management in Central Zone Provincial Parks

Messages as a Means of Reducing Social Trail Use at St. Lawrence Islands National Park

The Relative Influence of Microhabitat Constraints and Rock Climbing Disturbance to Vegetation on Ontario’s Niagara Escarpment

The Ecological Significance of Burial to Trees and Shrubs on Coastal Sand Dunes at Pinery Provincial Park

The Distribution and Abundance of Fire-scarred Trees in Pinery Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada

Comparative Evaluation of Ecological Significance of Vegetation Patches by Three Methodologies: Life Science Inventory, GIS, and Remote Sensing

Site Fidelity in Forest-Dwelling Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) Nursery Habitat in Wabakimi Provincial Park and Woodland Caribou

The Causes and Effects of Interspecific Competition by House Wren’s (Troglodytes aedon) on the Recovery of the Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea) Population in Rondeau Provincial Park

The Convention of Biological Diversity’s Program of Work on Protected Areas and Resulting Implications and Opportunities for Canada

Northern Protected Areas: Current Status and Future Challenges
Author: Yolanda F. Wiersma, Tom Beechey, Bas Oosenbrug, John Meikle

A Comparison of Conservation Strategies to Preserve Biodiversity

Komoka Provincial Park: A Case Study in Protected Areas Planning in an Urbanized Landscape

Forest-dewlling Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in Ontario: Planning for Recovery Near the Edge of Range

Designing an Initial GIS Analysis for The Land Between

Sharp Pencils, Fat Crayons and Fuzzy Boundaries: How to depict the Carolinian in Canada

Development of a Strategy to Conserve and Restore Carolinian Woodlands

The Role of Point Pelee National Park in Greater Ecosystem Protection

Ecological Restoration in Toronto Parks

Brainstorming Session on Strategies for Parks and Protected Areas

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